Thursday, November 04, 2010

Safe Eyes

For years our family has had an internet filtering program on our home computers- for obvious reasons. We had a subscrtption with NetNanny for quite a few years.  This year when it came time to renew our subscription, I had some questions about using the program for mobile devices: smart phones, iPads, PSPs, etc (not that we have any of those things, but Hero is hoping to purchase an iPad in the not too distant future and Prince Valiant is saving his money for a PSP). Netnanny offers text filtering, but no website blocking on mobile devices.

So, I went hunting a comparable program which offers more mobile protection. I found exactly what I was looking for in Safe Eyes. It offers the same amount of protection as NetNanny did as well as the mobile protection we might need in the future AND the price was better, by about $10. I made the switch and we have been very happy so far.

Hero and I have talked about just dropping this expense from our yearly budget; I do trust that he can say no and turn his eyes away should he come across anything unacceptable online. We chose to keep this expense for two reasons: 1) to protect the kids, you just never know sometimes what might pop-up with a seemingly bengin webpage; 2) there is no reason to dangle temptation in front of anyone- this program offers our family another layer of protection and accountability.

I have been so impressed with Safe Eyes that I joined their affiliate program; just click on any of the links above and I will earn a small percentage of  your purchase. 


Cheesemakin' Mamma November 9, 2010 at 3:50 PM  

I've been thinking about getting an internet filter. So far we haven't needed it because our kids aren't ever near the computer alone and it is in a very visible place. But as soon as our son gets old enough to leave him home alone, we're definitely going to have to get a filter. Thanks for the recommendation!